Hi folks,

We have a jam packed week of new estate arrivals this week at Estate Sale Warehouse.
Today, Monday, we picked up a very nice estate out of San Diego loaded with antiques and primitives. The owner's grandmother was an antique dealer decades ago. The antique furniture is already out on the floor and the boxes of smalls from this estate will be unpacked in the front room starting Tuesday at 2 PM. Old American Indian items too!!
Tuesday we are also bringing in an estate from La Jolla with lots of great decorator items and top quality furniture.
Wednesday we have an estate coming in out of LaCosta with more antiques and collectibles.
Thursday will be more from the La Jolla estate.
Friday's highlights will include a large and very nice collection of costume jewelry and possibly some very nice fine jewelry too.
We will be unpacking smalls in the front room every day at 2 PM this week and Friday will only be costume jewelry and possibly fine.
Hope to see you soon!
"Now is a great time to be shopping at Estate Sale Warehouse"