Please Join With Us as
We Start a Positivity Campaign to Encourage
Small Businesses Everywhere
Dear folks,
Please take the time to read this email all the way through and please share any part of it it with your friends and social media sphere if you are so inclined.
Over the past week I have been thinking a lot about the many small businesses I frequent, enjoy, and yes have taken for granted. Some of these businesses will no longer be there.
As a small business person myself I know exactly the pressure they are under and it's enormous. I had been thinking over the past few days about spending my time letting those businesses know through positive reviews online or just emails directly, then this morning this came into my inbox.
From Bobbi:
I have always liked you as a person: You have a good aura about you. Even better is that you have a knack for choosing good people to work for you. That they choose to remain in your employment for decades proves you treat them well and that they are happy to work for you ... and to suffer us customers.
Your store is always fun to visit. I like the concept of shopping among treasures that someone else has pre-screened as worth purchasing. I especially like seeing things that come from places I will never be able to visit. To this day, I regret not having bought that rug from Marrakech !
You repeatedly express your appreciation to your loyal followers who choose to bring you some
part of our fortunes or social security. That habit stems from the same sense of consideration for others that motivates you to treat your workers well. I am glad to learn you will be working hard to put the down-time to good use. I look forward to seeing the result !
My Response:
Wow!!! You made my day Bobbi. Reading it brought me to tears. Really. I really do appreciate you. Can't wait to share this with Linda, Tracy and the guys.
I have been thinking constantly over this past week how much we need spread positivity for all of the small businesses that are suffering right now.
I would like to share this with my customers to encourage them to share their positive experiences with other businesses they may know. Is that OK with you?
Thank you again, I really do appreciate it and you!
Response from Bobbi;
Aw, shucks. YOUR appreciation of my appreciation is touching, too.
Yes: Share as you see fit
This email was so uplifting and encouraging. It strengthened my resolve to make sure I do everything possible for my business to survive not only for my family but for my employees and there families.
We need this encouragement and positivity. I'm asking each one of my employees and you, If you have free time to please think about 6 to 12 small businesses you appreciate and let them know through online reviews or a personal email.
PLEASE NOTE, this is in no way an attempt to garner positive reviews for our business. We know you love us and we love and appreciate you!
It starts now!!
Shout out to Matthew who works so fast we have not yet been able to get a picture of him, Melanie who hides in the back keeping our eBay business running, my former business partner Rick who is now real happy he sold the business when he did 😁, and all of our amazing customers. We appreciate you all and to see you all soon!