Monday, October 5, 2009

Just arrived, fine art collection @ Estate Sale Warehouse

Tuesday October 5th before noon we will be unpacking, pricing and hanging a great collection of fine vintage oil paintings, many by listed artists. Some of the highlights of the collection include two large oil on canvas paintings by New York artist Charles Levier, an oil by Jean Calogero (Italian artist), four paintings by Frank Whipple, several paintings by Robert Owens (known for his clown paintings), an original acrylic painting by Peter Max, and several other quality artworks.  All are value priced to sell.


The collection of paintings are all out the same Newport Beach estate that we brought in this past March. The trustee finally agreed to sell the artwork.


Also from this same estate is an outstanding 8-panel hand painted Meigi Period Japanese Byobu Screen. Attached is a photo.


We will also be un-packing smalls most of the day and a small estate is also arriving.


See you soon and we appreciate your business.