Monday, April 9, 2012

Massive Doll & Toy Sale is Finally Happening

Hi Folks,

The time has finally come. We will be liqudating the huge doll & toy collection in our #4 building this week. The sale starts Wednesday @ 10:00am and continue until it is all gone.

We are having a special Auction/Preview tomorrow Tuesday the 10th of April @ 2:00pm. This preview is limited to the first 25 customers who call to get on the list. You must call Todd @ 619-995-4289 to attend this preview/auction. The auction preview will the same way out "boxes in the front room" works. All items sold during this event will be priced as marked unless two or more customers want the same item, then that item will go the highest bidder.

The public sale will start at 10am Wednesday. Everything will be priced low low low and it all must go tto make room for an estate we have coming in next week. Of the 200 boxes full about 70 percent is unpakced, and we will continue to unpack through the week when space on the tables is available. You should plan on coming everyday as new times will come out throughout the week.

Thousands of items including vintage and antique dolls, vintage barbie dolls, vintage action figures, nodders and bobble heads, paperdolls from the 1950's to present, doll books, doll parts, PEZ times, GI Joe, TV and Character dolls, ceramics, and more.

Hope to see you soon at Estate Sale Warehouse