Sunday, March 3, 2013

All Points Bulletin!!! They're on the Run.........

Well its almost official. After one year of solid captivity at Estate Sale Warehouse, Linda Tracy are making a run for it. It's a modern day Thelma and Louise.
Honestly I didn't think it would happen, even after offering them free airfare, hotel, rental car, and a fabulous dinner to boot (no, not Taco Bell).
At the time of this bulletin Linda is already M.I.A. (I'm sure she is packing her bags or overwhelmed with guilt and is considering turning herself in before it even begins) and Tracy is frantically making plans for her escape from the store until 5 PM today. Come on you don't think I would really work Sundays?
If you are interested in aiding and abetting the two perps with their "on the lamb" fund, today is the last day. They need help with disguises, fake IDs, and bribes to officials (really it's spa treatments, massages, wine, etc,.). If you want to bless the two for all their great service please stop by the store today to help them out. (That was just a shameless plug).
I need your help too. In their absence Rick will be manning the front counter (God help us all). My plan is to overwhelm him with sales so the girls would have no choice but to return. So please come in this week and shop it up.
We have four new estates scheduled this week with boxes on Monday Wednesday and Thursday. And yes, costume jewelry on Friday.
Hope to see you soon!